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Build a house (home) in Thailand 🇹🇭


Current time in Thailand: 05:31 the year (the Buddhist year) is 2567



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See about +600 pictures: Turning a dream into reality with pics & vids


  This website is a presentation with great advice and many pictures of the tasks required from acquiring land to building a house and to cultivating the land with various crops such as fruits, vegetables and flowers on the country side of Thailand. While we are building, someone asks: Should it be a temple? Because the project is something like „Building Off the Grid“ and differs from normal homes.


Thai Home pictures made in Isan Thailand



   This spot is located in a rural Isan environment with lots of farmland. Away from city noise, away from pollution and with a high grade of oxygen. Birds, lizards and frogs are the only source of noise. In short: Nature Sounds are all around. The sun rises early in the morning and daylight lasts between 13 and 11.5 hours all year round.


Thai House pictures Isan sunrise



Our Thai house in Isan in the early morning sunrise


  Always amazing to watch our small pond with fish and many happy lotus, even frogs, freshwater crabs and water snakes (mud snakes) like the pool a lot.


Thai Home pictures from a spot in Isan



How the work was done


  The house-project in Thailand-Isan started some time ago by searching a suitable location for our small DIY project. We engaged an entrepreneur to make the construction drawings based on our design, to approve the construction drawings, to make the foundation, to do the concrete work, to build the outside walls and fitting the roof.


  For all remaining work we contracted small local companies at Tha Rae because travel and travel costs always turned out to be a large item in the quotes. The size of these companies ranged from 1 to 6 employees.


  These small companies or one man businesses are easy to find by letting others know for which work we are looking for someone.


  First edition of this website July 2023 by Muk & Mister Ro, so far supplemented with 625 photos and 70 videos.  (Content last change: September 13 2024)


  Recently updated pages: Thailand | Candid-camera | Vorsicht-kamera | Verborgen-camera





Video Salon


 Fish 1 
 Fish 2 


  Thailand Isan pictures and videos can be used and shared with others if the originated page is credited. For credit use this link: Thank you!